A few things that I’m doing at the moment
Exploring AI
I’m involved in exploring what AI might mean for teaching and learning in higher education.
- Helping facilitate workshops and two year-long AI Working Groups
- Developing a section of our resources site for AI and designing Canvas “AI Guideposts” to help faculty communicate clearly about use of AI in courses.
- Developing course chatbots that we’re piloting this fall using course materials and customized for particular course contexts.
Facilitating Working Groups
I’m involved in planning and facilitating CDIL’s current cohort-based faculty development programs:
- Exploring Generative AI Working Group – focused on helping faculty redesign aspects of their courses in light of AI
- Integrative Learning Working Group – helping faculty explore ways to engage the whole person in education and better understand BC’s mission of formative education.
Rolling Out New Design Tools
- As part of my job designing and managing our Canvas themes and components at Boston College, I’m leading the implementation of the new version of the Design Tools sidebar across the university.
- I’m working on developing several themes for the Data Science and Virtual Trauma Training online programs as well as for the BC Companions program and Roche Center for Catholic Education.
Supporting True North
- I’m working with Belle Liang and Tim Klein on piloting True North with courses and organizations at Boston College this spring and providing ongoing web development and technical consulting for the project.
Personal Portfolio
I’m trying to get this site built as a part of reflecting on my professional experience and continuing to experiment with WordPress.